Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Variations on a Theme

Fluency The ability of the dog to perform a behavior under any and all circumstances. When a behavior is said to be truly fluent, it a) happens every time it's cued; and b) is never offered when it isn't cued.

Rules of Stimulus Control: 
1. Behavior is not offered in absence of the cue 
2. Behaviors is offered every time cue is given 
3. Behavior isn't offered in response to a different cue 
4. No other behavior occurs in response to the cue 

More work on the alert behavior and stimulus control today.  This time, seated in the living room.

Lily's mat is in the room.

We are working on Poke as another cued behavior.  One of many.

Sit.  Down.  Settle.  Brace.  Poke.  Go Lie Down. Show Me.  Place.  Visit.

etc etc etc

Not "Poke/No Poke".  But Poke as one of many.  Cue discrimination.

A good session.  (And excellent Latency as well.)

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